Prerequisite: Request for RightFax "Fax Printer"
Create Prescription with Signature
Fax Digitally through RightFax
Find a Pharmacy Fax Number within RightFax
Reprint Prescription with Signature
Monitor the RightFax FaxUtil for Fax Status
Appendix: Edit Cover Sheet (Works at Multiple Clinics)
Additional Resources
Video Demo
Note: You need to be connected to the VCH Network to watch this video.
Coming soon!
We are starting to pilot a custom prescription form which prepopulates the current-logged on user's digital signature. To add a digital signature to your user account, see Add Your Electronic Signature to Profile EMR.
Prescribers will continue to be able to print the conventional way without their signature populated on their prescriptions.
Prerequisite: Request for RightFax "Fax Printer"
To have RightFax Fax Printer as an option on your printers list, you need to request for:
- RightFax User Account (Outbound Faxing): This is requested through the service catalogue for Digital Fax Request Form
- RightFax Desktop App: This is requested through the service catalogue for Desktop Software - Install, Transfer, Remove (see instructions on RightFax - Requesting Desktop App)
Tip! Once you have the RightFax FaxUtil Desktop App, pin it to your taskbar (instructions here).
Create Prescription with Signature
Instead of conventional use of Print button in New Encounter Scripts, click the Rx with Sig. button instead on the New Encounter toolbar (after Special Authority button).
This will launch a form that mimics the in-built prescription printout with the benefit of pulling your digital signature. To add your digital signature to Profile EMR, visit this help file.
There are some limitations to this functionality:
- When Working For another prescriber, this functionality is not available
- When splitting orders for different pharmacies, this functionality is not available
See the RightFax Quick Reference Guide in regards to the in-built RightFax Cover Sheet.
Fax Digitally through RightFax
Clicking the Print button on the form will automatically copy the pharmacy fax number on the clipboard so you can easily paste (Ctrl+V) on the RightFax fax printer dialogue. Paste (Ctrl+V) in BOTH the To and Name fields, then click Send.
Note: The external clinician dictionary houses the list of pharmacies and your clinic Super Users manage this list.
Find a Pharmacy Fax Number within RightFax
The College of Pharmacists of BC's list of pharmacies can be found in the phonebook name: PHARMACIESBC. Once this is loaded, you can search for any pharmacies in BC from the list.
Reprint Prescription with Signature
If reprinting is needed, the prescription with signature is saved in the Forms segment of the Medical Record under Prescriptions heading and form name Rx with Signature.
Monitor the RightFax FaxUtil for Fax Status
At the end of your day, ensure your check
See the RightFax Quick Reference Guide and the different status indicator icons:
We are in discussion with the RightFax team for a solution to view the whole clinic's fax list.
Appendix: Edit Cover Sheet (Works at Multiple Clinics)
Use System Default cover sheet. Each user can only have one default Cover Sheet (as defined during user access).
If you work at multiple clinics, you can modify the cover sheet information.
1. In RightFax FaxUtil Desktop App, click Options button
2. In Options, navigate to User Information tab
3. Update Cover Sheet Information (From) fields with your current clinic's information
Additional Resources
RightFax - Quick Reference Guide
RightFax - Requesting Desktop App
Virtual Health Technical Support:
Add Your Electronic Signature to Profile EMR
Scripts (Prescriptions) Module